17 February 2006


Hi everyone.

Here in Los Angeles, or Hollywood to be exact.

First, a summary of the flight:

Carrier: Qantas
Length: 14 hrs +
Service: great
Food: delicious
Comfort Level: high
Ratio of passengers to seats: roughly 1 to 3
Sleep: unfortunately despite the comfort levels, still pretty much none
Highlights: Flying over LA. As we approached I could see that haze hanging over the city. It's true - there really is a lot of smog here. The city is HUGE and the freeways are... well.... big.

The weather here reminds me of the Gold Coast in the middle of winter: really nice when its sunny but cold when its not. Except its not quite as sunny.

I checked in at my 6-per-dorm hostel today. Looks like there's only 3 of us staying there though, and I've only met one. I think he's on the run from something. When I asked him where's he from, he said "The States" and upon me trying to make further conversation he stopped me saying "look - I've got a lot on my mind - I don't really want to talk."

OK !! That will be a pleasant stay.

LA is an interesting place. You think there are a lot of weirdos on Swanston Street? Try walking down Hollywood Boulevard!

Why is it that the locals here look so intimidating? The tourists are certainly the most friendly faces. I'm really looking forward to seeing some familiar faces in the coming weeks.

Well I better get back to it, whatever that may be.

Don't worry, I promise I won't send one of these every day.

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